Checking in with Gabe #14

For once it doesn’t feel like I just wrote last month’s update. That probably has to do with the fact that I didn’t just write the last one two weeks ago! I’ve been keeping notes and March was good. We traveled and had new adventures and experiences. Bigger steps and longer arms. Week by week…

Checking in with Gabe #13

Last month most of the focus was on his birthday. Though because he was born at the beginning of the month, the two weeks leading up to it and the week after it was all about his birthday. At least for me! As I learned with the holidays, I really need to be planning ahead…

Life with Gabe: Year 1

About a month after Gabe was born I started posting pictures of him with the hashtag #lifewithgabe over on Instagram (my social media of choice. There’s even a widget over on the right side of your screen with my latest photos.) They are exactly as it sounds, life with him. They are the in the…

Happy First Birthday

We made it. We’ve reached a huge milestone. Not so much for you, but for us as parents. One year ago today (February 3rd actually, not the day this was posted) I birthed you into this world after God knit you together in my womb. It is a miraculous process. It’s also a terrifying process…

12 Months

Ahhh! 12 months is here! Happy birthday blue eyes! It’s been another wonderful month of play, laughter, and discovering the world. And walking. Lots and lots of walking. His biggest development this month has been walking. At the end of last month he had just started taking more than a couple of steps. Now, a…

Eleven Months

Late again… sitting in the draft folder for a couple of weeks. This is my reality. Cheers! Happy 11 month birthday blue eyes! We’ve almost made it to the one year mark… what a difference a year makes. December was a blast. Between the developmental leaps and Christmas all kinds of interesting stuff went on….

2016 Theme Word: Surrender

Reflection is upon us. A look back at the year we lived. The ups, downs, joys, and hurts. The biggest change of my life happened and I am different because of it. There is a lot stirring in my heart right now. It’s a shift, a breaking of sorts. Most of which is best left…

House Tour

Welcome to our home. I’ve been wanting to do a tour of our house for several reasons. One, so family and friends who can’t visit can see our new digs. And two, so that we have a good record (I took way more pictures than the 50 I’m showing you) of how the house looks…

Ten Months

Busy busy month! I knew in the back of my mind I wasn’t going to get this update out on time. With hosting Friendsgiving, buying a car, and a week long trip down to Southern California for Thanksgiving, November disappeared quickly. December is already feeling like it’s out the door as well but that is…

Nine Months

October was a busy month for both us as a family and in Gabe’s growth. Sometimes it feels hard to keep up with the leaps and little things that are happening. Things can be pretty uneventful or there will be a small thing here and there and then bam! Big changes. Though sometimes I think…

Eight Months: Stand, Stand By Me

Getting this post out a bit later than I would have liked so things are a bit mishmashed. A few details and pictures may be missing but with the month we’ve had, that is quite alright. This month we saw the most development in his mobility and movement. Along with that his learning and adapting…

Family Photos 2015

Last month something came up where we needed an updated family picture and we needed it pretty quick. We didn’t want to use one from the newborn shoot because well… Gabe was a newborn! He has grown so much and I wanted that reflected in the photos. It needed to be a good picture too….